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Welcome Home.

You are part of the magnificent living spaceship called Earth. 

This spaceship is at a touch-and-go moment right now,

edging both on ecosystem and societal collapse,

and also on a regenerative revolution.

Humanity is awakening to its rightful place as an apex healer, rather than a perpetual predator.

As we remember to tune into the natural cycles of life we realize the deep and very savvy technology of nature.

It has 3.8 billion years of research and development.

The earth is one large organism.

The soil is its digestive system, processing and recycling nutrients.

The atmosphere is its respiratory system, breathing air and retaining the perfect balance of heat in.

The water cycle is the blood flow of the earth, lubricating and bringing access to nutrients.

These are the automatic processes that generate the wealth of the earth!

But, we built our entire modern economy based on creating and perfecting

systems that are actively destroying these living processes:

Conventional agriculture does not build topsoil — we’re burning away the digestive system of the earth.

We use the atmosphere as a trash dump for our used carbon — we’re suffocating our respiratory system.

We’ve turned our watersheds into pipe-sheds — we’ve cut down half the trees that keep the water cycling; we are dangerously low on H2O flow, our lifeblood.

It has not always been this way…

Many traditions have lived in sync with life’s rhythms.

When we live and stay tuned into nature to experience the soil, air and water cycles,

we can see that living in reciprocity enables us to have abundance.

Humans planted much of the Amazon by paying attention to the offerings that the soil, air, and water provided.

Indigenous communities tended plants, building soil and creating habitat for animals.

They thrived for millennia by living in right relationship with the earth.

To live as a regenerative species we simply need to tune into life and increase the ability of the systems around us to perform their basic functions.

Tune into life!

Increase the ability of the systems around us to perform their basic functions.

If we enable every natural system we touch, to grow and prosper more, we are in service of life.

And in turn, life is in service of us.

We find ourselves now at the crossroads,

knowing that the culture of dominance, exploitation, competition, and control have led us to the edge of collapse.

We remember another way.

We now have more tools to enable that way of consent, regeneration, cooperation, and reciprocity.

We confused Darwin’s observance of nature, natural systems, and evolution,

and wrongly interpreted him as saying it will be the survival of the fittest.

When in fact, learning from life showed him it is the survival of the fitness within your ecosystem —

how. much. you. give. back. —

and act in right relationship, that determines survival.

The solutions are here.

We are far more capable than we know to tend to our wild living earth

and bring ourselves back to life.